Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The One I Gave My Heart by Mercedes G

Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Recommend: if you need something to read to pass the time. It is a part of a series and the second part is being released on the 15th, I will be reading it. So, I guess it wasn't too bad, right?

Soooo...I love me a good hood book. But I want a hood book that I'm not cringing at every other curse word and "n" word. It's just not for me. So if that bothers you to the point where you can't read it, don't read this book. It was entertaining to read, but there are plenty of grammatical errors (I hope that Mercedes G's career takes off so she can hire her a good editor). But that's my warning to you all.

If you want to be entertained, you will be. About a quarter into the book, I found myself interested in what was going to happen with the rest of the characters. It took me a minute to see past the curse words and actually enjoy the book.

But here's a rundown of the characters:

Mia- she's independent, hardworking and the main character of the book. Even though the book is told from the perspective of different people, it is clear that she is the main focus and everyone else revolves around her. She quickly falls for Dola- he's good looking and everyone knows who he is because...drugs...sigh. *side note mind thought* Can I get you all who write Urban Novels to figure something out and give us more character and substance...thank you... Anyway, Dola. The entire time reading the book I pronounced it Dolla. Shame on me. Doe-la is the correct way. He's a drug dealer. All the ladies want him. He is fine as hell. Blah, blah, blah. Typical mumbo jumbo.

Then there's Mia's friends Terri and Kelsi. Terri is battling with whether or not she wants to be a lesbian, knock her baby daddy in the head, and/or fall for Dola's boy Sy. Meanwhile, Kelsi gives it up to his boy Ruth the morning after meeting him...and...well...drama ensues shortly after. I won't give it away.

I think Mercedes G could do a little better with giving her characters more depth to them. She doesn't describe them all but for Dola's darker member and Mia's thickness and bob. Maybe she calls one of them a linebacker with dreads. I don't know. But yeah. Give me more substance and a little less drama.

Why do I wish to read book 2 if I didn't really care for this one you ask?

Because the cliffhangers at the end of the book need to be answered for me. So now I wait 3 days. Ugh.

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