Thursday, August 17, 2017

***Review*** The Wild by K Webster

Rating: ⛤⛤⛤ ⛤
Well, as promised, I went ahead and got this little gem that was banned from Amazon. But you can purchase it still (link at bottom of post). Let me just start off with saying that I really wasn't bothered like everyone else. Okay...its taboo. It's illegal. It's wrong. But it's fiction. Murder is illegal, but we still watvh movies with people murdering others. Now don't get me wrong... I am in no way comparing the two, but I am just saying. We tolerate a lot of things in entertainment, but not others. Sin is

With that being said. This book had me wanting to keep reading more. Had me on the edge of my seat and fighting sleep to finish. Very quick read.

 Why a 4 star review? Because...morals. and there's a few things that I could have done without. But I won't spoil it. If you're open minded and can take this book as what it is - fiction - then, go for it. It was beautifully written and I send major kudos to K Webester for writing it.

I brought them to the wilderness because we couldn’t cope with our reality.
The plan was to make a new life that didn’t include heartache.

No people. No technology. No interference.
Just us.
A chance to piece together what was broken.

But the wilderness is untamed and harsh.
Brutal and unforgiving.
It doesn’t give a damn about your feelings.

Tragedy lives there too.
No escaping the truths that won’t let you go.

All you can do is survive where love, no matter how beastly, is the only thing you can truly count on.

Confusing. Wrong. Twisted. Beautiful. Sick.

Love is wild.
And we’re going to set it free.

The Wild is an extremely taboo story. Most will find that the themes in this book will make you incredibly uncomfortable. This book is only for the brave, the open-minded, and the ones who crave love in even the most dismal of situations. Extreme sexual themes and violence in certain scenes, which could trigger emotional distress, are found in this story. If you are sensitive to heavy taboo themes, then this story is not for you.

Purchase HERE

**New Release & Review** Toying With Her by Prescott Lane


Rating: ⛤⛤⛤⛤

 Release Date: August 17th 

Genre: Contemporary Romance 

Toying with Her, an all-new standalone from Prescott Lane is coming LIVE!!!

No one said finding love was easy, but when you invented the world’s best selling vibrator, it’s near impossible. Yep, that’s right. That little toy hidden in your bedside table is my brain child. It’s aptly named Woman on Top. And you know what they say . . . it’s lonely at the top.
So I’m headed home to my Southern roots. It’s supposed to be an extended Summer vacation — nothing more. But Rorke Weston has other plans for me. Plans that not only involve me being on top, but also underneath him.
It’s been said you never forget your first. For me, that’s definitely true. No night has ever lived up to the one I spent with Rorke.
He’s turned into quite a man. Tan from the Southern sun, and stubborn as the day is long. And there’s nothing sweeter than the swipe of his tongue.
Rorke wants his chance. The one we never had. But that was a long time ago. When I still believed in Prince Charming and Happily Ever Afters. Even ten years later, I feel a pull. And it’s not simply Rorke yanking down my panties.
Do second chances really happen? Or is my heart simply toying with me?

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Dot's Deets:

***ARC Received in exchange for an honest review ***

This is the first I have ever heard of Prescott Lane and I am glad I was introduced to her. A woman who invented sex toys? Right up my alley! I just don't feel like it was a page turner. I wasn't on the edge of my seat wanting more. It was well written and had complex characters, but it just didn't leave a lasting impression. I was ready to read my next book immediately. I didn't even sit down to write out my review before I forgot any juicy details. 

Don't get me wrong, it was good. Spicy. And an interesting read. But it won't be on my must read books. I mean, yeah, you should read it. But you don't have to. Yes, I recommend it. But, you get my drift. 

It is a sweet love story.

Okay, let me edit this a bit. I had a cup of coffee and I don't feel like I wrote everything that needed to be said.

This is the story of the heart wanting what it wants. Of what happens when you never really let go. It pulled at my heart strings and tugged at my emotions. Everyone needs a Rorke to fight for them. 

About the Author:

Prescott Lane is the Amazon best-selling author of Stripped Raw. She's got seven other books under her belt including: First Position, Perfectly Broken, Quiet Angel, Wrapped in Lace, Layers of Her, The Reason for Me, and The Sex Bucket List. She is originally from Little Rock, Arkansas, and holds a degree in sociology and a MSW from Tulane University. She married her college sweetheart, and they currently live in New Orleans with their two children and two crazy dogs. Prescott started writing at the age of five, and sold her first story about a talking turtle to her father for a quarter. She later turned to writing romance novels because there aren't enough happily ever afters in real life. PrescottLane

Connect with the Author:

Twitter: @prescottlane1

Monday, August 14, 2017

**Excerpt Reveal** Toying With Her by Prescott Lane (Current Read)


Toying with Her by Prescott Lane Release Date: August 17th Genre: Contemporary Romance


Toying with Her, an all-new standalone from Prescott Lane is coming August 17th!!!

No one said finding love was easy, but when you invented the world’s best selling vibrator, it’s near impossible. Yep, that’s right. That little toy hidden in your bedside table is my brain child. It’s aptly named Woman on Top. And you know what they say . . . it’s lonely at the top.
So I’m headed home to my Southern roots. It’s supposed to be an extended Summer vacation — nothing more. But Rorke Weston has other plans for me. Plans that not only involve me being on top, but also underneath him.
It’s been said you never forget your first. For me, that’s definitely true. No night has ever lived up to the one I spent with Rorke.
He’s turned into quite a man. Tan from the Southern sun, and stubborn as the day is long. And there’s nothing sweeter than the swipe of his tongue.
Rorke wants his chance. The one we never had. But that was a long time ago. When I still believed in Prince Charming and Happily Ever Afters. Even ten years later, I feel a pull. And it’s not simply Rorke yanking down my panties.
Do second chances really happen? Or is my heart simply toying with me?

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Hammering the nail with one hard pound, I mutter, “Friends?” That should be a cuss word, especially coming out of her full, pink lips. I toss the hammer aside, scanning the mostly-converted barn. Yep, I live in a barn. Well, not any barn. The barn where Sterling and I lost our virginity. I know just the spot. It’s the spot where my bed is now. I didn’t plan it that way. In fact, I didn’t even really think about it until she showed up in town the other day. I came home, walked in, and realized I’ve designed this place around her. Crazy, but true. That woman has burned herself into the deepest parts of my soul. Deeper than even I realized. She was my first, a memory. I thought it was over. I thought we’d only ever get that one night. She had her life, and I had mine. I didn’t see this coming. This old barn sits on the edge of my parents’ property. It sucks to be almost thirty and still living on my parents’ land. Technically, I’m not living at home, but sometimes it feels like it. Unfortunately, buying my own house on my teaching salary isn’t in the cards, so a few years ago, I started converting one of the old barns. Every nail, every piece of wood in here has been touched by me. And it’s almost done. It’s wide open, designed that way mostly because it’s less work than putting up a bunch of walls. The only room with any privacy is the bathroom. I left the distressed rafters from the ceiling exposed and just refinished them. The original sliding barn doors have been replaced with new ones. Almost one whole wall houses my personal library. The only thing left to finish is the kitchen. The upper cabinets are in, but my only appliances are a refrigerator and microwave. So any real meals I eat come from the main house — my parents’ house. My plan is to use part of my summer vacation to finish it up. I look over at the bed. My subconscious must have taken over with that decision. Sterling is etched into the fiber of this place. Maybe that’s the reason I haven’t ever brought a woman to see this place before? Who knows? The subconscious is a tricky bitch. But the memories of that day and night are so vivid. It’s all flooding back now that she’s back. I remember a buddy of mine had rushed me home my freshman year of college, making the two-and-a-half-hour drive from New Orleans in just under two. But I was too late. I wasn’t here when Levi took his last breath. Those few days are a blur. Everything is a blur until the moment I stood up at his funeral to speak; her green eyes were the only thing I saw, her whimpers the only ones I heard. I hadn’t expected her to be there. I hadn’t expected her to fly home from college to say goodbye to my brother, but she had. And I didn’t expect her to find me at my parents’ house after the funeral. I swear, there were hundreds of people there, and it was the loneliest day of my life. I had to get out of there and started walking. I’m not sure if it’s just me, but when I need to think, I tend to walk. That day, Sterling was by my side. We didn’t talk, roaming around the fields until we ended up at this old barn. It was the place that Levi and I escaped to. As little kids, we’d used it as a fort, a clubhouse. Later, it held our bikes and four wheelers. I remember being embarrassed bringing Sterling inside. It was old and filled with our junk. The only place to even sit was an old, beat up sofa. We made good use of it, though. I’ve never been as unprepared for something as I was that day. Unprepared to put my brother in the ground, unprepared to lose my virginity, unprepared to let her walk away. I chuckle remembering exactly how unprepared I was when our naked bodies first touched. My brain thought “condom.” But I didn’t have one. My dick promised it’d pull out. But I had no idea the kind of willpower that would take. I swear to God, I had every intention of pulling out. I thought for sure that she’d kill me, and quickly launched into the lamest apology in the history of the universe. Just thinking about it makes me cringe. I was never so thankful for anything in my whole life as when she kissed me to shut me up, whispering she was on the pill. Some might think it’s a dick move to be banging a girl the day you bury your twin brother. But it wasn’t like that at all. It wasn’t cheap. I didn’t think of it as a one-night stand, even though technically it was. It’s impossible to explain. It was us clinging onto life, onto each other. Emily Brontë wrote, "Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” And after that night, our souls have been forever linked. Every single second of that night is burned into my mind, my heart, my skin. After that night, we stayed in touch for a long time — email, phone calls. But we were thousands of miles apart. And our paths never crossed again. If I was at home on break, she wasn’t. It just seemed like it wasn’t meant to be. She is the one that got away. We never got our chance. Now she’s back, and she thinks we can be friends? I spent my entire childhood and teenage years being “friends” with her. She wants to be friends? That’s fine. I’ll be her friend. But I’ll be damned if that’s all I am.

About the Author:

Prescott Lane is the Amazon best-selling author of Stripped Raw. She's got seven other books under her belt including: First Position, Perfectly Broken, Quiet Angel, Wrapped in Lace, Layers of Her, The Reason for Me, and The Sex Bucket List. She is originally from Little Rock, Arkansas, and holds a degree in sociology and a MSW from Tulane University. She married her college sweetheart, and they currently live in New Orleans with their two children and two crazy dogs. Prescott started writing at the age of five, and sold her first story about a talking turtle to her father for a quarter. She later turned to writing romance novels because there aren't enough happily ever afters in real life. PrescottLane

Connect with the Author:

Twitter: @prescottlane1

Thursday, August 10, 2017

***REVIEW*** Palm South University Season 3 by Kandi Steiner

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 HOT ⛤
  • Recommend: Yes 
  • Release date: August 10, 2017
  • Genre: New Adult
  • Read time: 2 days 
  • Triggers: rape 
  • Book 3 of a series 
  • ARC Received in exchange for an honest review. 

***Book Blurb***
Drama. Lies. Sex. 

Welcome to Palm South University. 

The weather isn’t the only thing heating up in South Florida. At a school where fraternities and sororities don’t exactly play by the rules, relationships are bound to be tested. Parties and sex are definitely key ingredients in the Palm South recipe, but what happens when family issues, secret lives, and unrequited love get tossed in the mix? 

Follow Cassie, Bear, Jess, Skyler, Erin, Ashlei, and Adam as they tackle college at a small, private beach town university. Written in television drama form, each episode of this serial will pull you deeper and deeper into the world of PSU. 

Where the sun is hot and the clothes are scarce, anything can happen. 

****Dot's Deets****
Please keep in mind that my review may contain spoilers. If you have not read the first two seasons, do not pass go, you're not getting $200. Maybe $10 on a giveaway via my Facebook page HERE. Anywho, you've been warned!

I had to get this off my chest right here and right now before I picked up my next read (I said I was taking a break from signing up for reviews, but I lied). 

This one left me a little heartbroken. But after binging on all three books, I will say that this is my favorite out of the three. This one I couldn't out down. Maybe because I was so emotionally invested in these characters by book three. It's nice to see some strong POC in these books. Bear is by far my favorite and Mr. CHURCH...YESSSS! It is really funny because at the Colleen Hoover panel at Bookcon, they touched on the lack of POC in a lot of new adult and romcom books. But this was a breath of fresh air. The black guy wasn't a drug dealing, gun slinging, thug...he was a hot frat guy just trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents. We need more Bears and Brandon Churchs. So, to those writers who feel they can't identify with a POC: I understand. However, just write us as human beings. As real life feeling people as you would write someone that is not a POC. just as Kandi Steiner did in these books. It's okay. Well, to me. People can be cruel. But as someone who loves to read this genre, it's hard sometimes when your reader wants to relate on more than just an emotional aspect. Thank you Kandi. 

This book/series left me wanting more. It wasn't filled with HEAs but with realness. You could actually be like, "okay, it hurts, but it hurts good." I honestly don't know how those who didn't binge read them like me waited between books. But, now I am one of you. 

My little heart is slayed and I don't think there's any coming back from that one. I want to write to Kandi Steiner and ask her, "how dare she do this to me??" In the words of Ms. Blige: :Gas me up, get me drunk, hitthe skins and scram!!" How dare she do this to me? Now I have to wait. 

I will definitely be hung over from this one. I know I said this last time, but yes, it is a perfect summer read!

I feel like there's so much more to say. I could relate to each character in my own way. And that made me love it even more. It made me miss college and the friends I gained while being there. It made me a little sad there wasn't a sorority on campus that I could possibly relate to to join. It made me wish I was back, soaking up that Tennessee sun. It made me wish I was more outgoing and put myself out there more. But this book also made me glad I had all those experiences. I cannot wait for the next season!!

***About the Author***
Kandi Steiner is a bestselling author and whiskey connoisseur living in Tampa, FL. Best known for writing “emotional rollercoaster” stories, she loves bringing flawed characters to life and writing about real, raw romance — in all its forms. No two Kandi Steiner books are the same, and if you’re a lover of angsty, emotional, and inspirational reads, she’s your gal.

An alumna of the University of Central Florida, Kandi graduated with a double major in Creative Writing and Advertising/PR with a minor in Women’s Studies. She started writing back in the 4th grade after reading the first Harry Potter installment. In 6th grade, she wrote and edited her own newspaper and distributed to her classmates. Eventually, the principal caught on and the newspaper was quickly halted, though Kandi tried fighting for her “freedom of press.” She took particular interest in writing romance after college, as she has always been a die hard hopeless romantic, and likes to highlight all the challenges of love as well as the triumphs.

When Kandi isn’t writing, you can find her reading books of all kinds, talking with her extremely vocal cat, and spending time with her friends and family. She enjoys live music, traveling, anything heavy in carbs, beach days, movie marathons, craft beer and sweet wine — not necessarily in that order.

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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

**TEASER** Toying With Her by Prescott Lane

Toying with Her, an all-new standalone from Prescott Lane is coming August 17th!!!

No one said finding love was easy, but when you invented the world’s best selling vibrator, it’s near impossible.  Yep, that’s right.  That little toy hidden in your bedside table is my brain child.  It’s aptly named Woman on Top.  And you know what they say . . . it’s lonely at the top.

So I’m headed home to my Southern roots.  It’s supposed to be an extended Summer vacation — nothing more.  But Rorke Weston has other plans for me.  Plans that not only involve me being on top, but also underneath him.   

It’s been said you never forget your first.  For me, that’s definitely true.  No night has ever lived up to the one I spent with Rorke.

He’s turned into quite a man.  Tan from the Southern sun, and stubborn as the day is long.  And there’s nothing sweeter than the swipe of his tongue.

Rorke wants his chance.  The one we never had.  But that was a long time ago.  When I still believed in Prince Charming and Happily Ever Afters.  Even ten years later, I feel a pull.  And it’s not simply Rorke yanking down my panties.  

Do second chances really happen?  Or is my heart simply toying with me?

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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

*COVER REVEAL* Shift by Staci Hart


Bestselling author Staci Hart brings you the second installment of an addictive romantic mythology series where love is the ultimate game, and Aphrodite always wins.


Shift by Staci Hart

Publishing Date: August 24th, 2017

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Cover Designer: QuirkyBird Designs

Photographer: Lauren Watson-Perry

Synopsis: Even the gods cannot betray the will of the stars. It’s been a hundred years since she’s warmed my bed, a hundred years spent waiting for her. Now we’ll compete again in a game that matters little to me. But my prize is far greater than a token to be paid for a favor — I want her. And for the first time in a very long time, I have the chance to keep her. Because now the ground has shifted, tilted in my favor, and with her footing unsteady, she will fall. I will catch her. This time, I won’t let go.

About the Author

Staci has been a lot of things up to this point in her life -- a graphic designer, an entrepreneur, a seamstress, a clothing and handbag designer, a waitress. Can't forget that. She's also been a mom, with three little girls who are sure to grow up to break a number of hearts. She's been a wife, though she's certainly not the cleanest, or the best cook. She's also super, duper fun at a party, especially if she's been drinking whiskey. From roots in Houston to a seven year stint in Southern California, Staci and her family ended up settling somewhere in between and equally north, in Denver. They are new enough that snow is still magical. When she's not writing, she's reading, sleeping, gaming, or designing graphics. AuthorPics

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Thursday, August 3, 2017

*Review* Twisted Twosome by Meghan Quinn

 Twisted Twosome, an all new sexy, laugh out loud romantic comedy from Meghan Quinn is available NOW!

Twisted Twosome by Meghan Quinn
Publication Date: August 3, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Dot's Rating: 5 out of 
Triggers: hot and sexy 
**ARC received in exchange for an honest review***

Racer McKay is a broody bastard.

From the moment I met him, he’s been rude, irritable, and unbearable.

A contractor working to remodel my parents pool house for extra cash, he stomps around in those clunky construction boots with his tool belt wrapped around his narrow waist, and a chip on his shoulder.

Racer McKay is also infuriatingly . . . sexy as hell. I want to take that pencil tucked behind his ear, and draw lazy lines slowly up and down his body all the while wanting to strangle him at the same time.

We try to stay out of each other’s way . . . that is until I have no other option but to ask for his help.

But what I don’t realize is he needs me just as much as I need him. I have money he’s desperate for, and he holds the key to making my dreams come true.

Our pranks turn from sarcastic banter, to sexual tension and lust-filled glances. Bickering matches quickly morph into slow burn moments. We’re hot, we’re cold. We push and pull. I need him, I don’t want him. We’re on the verge of combusting with an agreement dangling dangerously between us. Neither one of us can afford to lose one another and yet, we’re finding it quite hard to decipher the line that rests between love and hate.
**ARC received in exchange for an honest review***

Excuse me while I go and pick up my life up off the floor where I left it being that I was so caught up in this story I forgot who I was for two whole days.

 I stumbled upon Meghan Quinn by chance via a Social Butterfly email blast asking to sign up for one of her other books, My Best Friend's Ex and boy am I glad I did!!! 

This book had me wishing I had a store I wanted to open and needing a guy to come fix it up for me. Racer McKay will leave you needing to come up for air. The relationship between him and Georgiana will have you both cringing and wishing you had a relationship like theirs. 

A summer must read! 

*Standout quotes*

"If you feel it, feel the emotions of the characters rather than simply told them, you’re living that book, you’re not just reading it.”

“'Weathering the storm, it’s what can make or break you.'”

"You never realize how much you need touch until it’s given to you as a surprise gift."

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***New Release*** Twisted Twosome by Meghan Quinn


Twisted Twosome, an all new sexy, laugh out loud romantic comedy from Meghan Quinn is LIVE!


Twisted Twosome by Meghan Quinn Publication Date: August 3, 2017

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Racer McKay is a broody bastard.
From the moment I met him, he’s been rude, irritable, and unbearable.
A contractor working to remodel my parents pool house for extra cash, he stomps around in those clunky construction boots with his tool belt wrapped around his narrow waist, and a chip on his shoulder.
Racer McKay is also infuriatingly . . . sexy as hell. I want to take that pencil tucked behind his ear, and draw lazy lines slowly up and down his body all the while wanting to strangle him at the same time.
We try to stay out of each other’s way . . . that is until I have no other option but to ask for his help.
But what I don’t realize is he needs me just as much as I need him. I have money he’s desperate for, and he holds the key to making my dreams come true.
Our pranks turn from sarcastic banter, to sexual tension and lust-filled glances. Bickering matches quickly morph into slow burn moments. We’re hot, we’re cold. We push and pull. I need him, I don’t want him. We’re on the verge of combusting with an agreement dangling dangerously between us. Neither one of us can afford to lose one another and yet, we’re finding it quite hard to decipher the line that rests between love and hate.

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About the Author:

A BLONDE AT HEART Born in New York and raised in Southern California, Meghan has grown into a sassy, peanut butter eating, blonde haired swearing, animal hoarding lady. She is known to bust out and dance if “It’s Raining Men” starts beating through the air and heaven forbid you get a margarita in her, protect your legs because they may be humped. Once she started commuting for an hour and twenty minutes every day to work for three years, she began to have conversations play in her head, real life, deep male voices and dainty lady coos kind of conversations. Perturbed and confused, she decided to either see a therapist about the hot and steamy voices running through her head or start writing them down. She decided to go with the cheaper option and started writing… enter her first novel, Caught Looking. ​Now you can find the spicy, most definitely on the border of lunacy, kind of crazy lady residing in Colorado with the love of her life and her five, furry four legged children, hiking a trail or hiding behind shelves at grocery stores, wondering what kind of lube the nervous stranger will bring home to his wife. Oh and she loves a good boob squeeze!

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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

*TEASER* Toying With Her by Prescott Lane

Toying with Her, an all-new standalone from Prescott Lane is coming August 17th!!!

No one said finding love was easy, but when you invented the world’s best selling vibrator, it’s near impossible.  Yep, that’s right.  That little toy hidden in your bedside table is my brain child.  It’s aptly named Woman on Top.  And you know what they say . . . it’s lonely at the top.

So I’m headed home to my Southern roots.  It’s supposed to be an extended Summer vacation — nothing more.  But Rorke Weston has other plans for me.  Plans that not only involve me being on top, but also underneath him.   

It’s been said you never forget your first.  For me, that’s definitely true.  No night has ever lived up to the one I spent with Rorke.

He’s turned into quite a man.  Tan from the Southern sun, and stubborn as the day is long.  And there’s nothing sweeter than the swipe of his tongue.

Rorke wants his chance.  The one we never had.  But that was a long time ago.  When I still believed in Prince Charming and Happily Ever Afters.  Even ten years later, I feel a pull.  And it’s not simply Rorke yanking down my panties.  

Do second chances really happen?  Or is my heart simply toying with me?

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